If you are struggling to cope with a young person in your household and relationships are really difficult, we can help.
Here at Breathing Space, we know that family breakdown is one of the main reasons that young people become homeless so if we can help you to communicate, negotiate and sort things out with a young person in your household, then we will do everything we can to help.
Sometimes, relationships can break down completely. It means that it’s hard to communicate without arguing or fighting and often, that can lead young people to leave home. Our teams can help you to talk openly and honestly with your family members so that you can sort things out in a safe space, and talk through what’s going on.
If moving out is the right thing for your family, then we can support young people to find themselves alternative accommodation. Call us, message us on Facebook or send us a message via our website and we can chat to you about what’s going on and help if we can.